
I am a researcher (Chargé de Recherche) at Inria and a permanent member of the GeomeriX project-team. After earning my PhD from Zhejiang University in 2020, I spent one year each as a postdoctoral fellow at Télécom Paris and École Polytechnique before joining Inria Saclay. My research has been focusing on the numerical foundations of geometric modeling and physical simulation, covering topics such as multiscale analysis, numerical preconditioning and interactive techniques.


  • [2024-09] Had one paper accepted to MIG ‘24.
  • [2024-06] Our paper on fast MFS was honored as one of the five Best Paper Award winners at SIGGRAPH ‘24!
  • [2024-03] Got two papers conditionally accepted to SIGGRAPH ‘24. Papers are coming soon!


    TwisterForge: controllable and efficient animation of virtual
    Chen, Gain, Chomaz, Cani
    MIG 2024
                                        Paper | Video

    Versatile Curve Design by Level Set with Quadratic Convergence
    Zhang, Wu, Chen, Jin, Bao, Huang
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2024
    Paper | Video

    Lightning-fast Method of Fundamental Solutions
    Chen, Schaefer, Desbrun
    SIGGRAPH 2024 (Best Paper Award)
    Paper | Video | Code | Slides | Poster

    Biharmonic Coordinates and their Derivatives for Triangular
    3D Cages
    Thiery, Michel, Chen
    SIGGRAPH 2024
                                        Paper | Video | Code

    A Survey on Cage-based Deformation of 3D Models
    Ströter, Thiery, Hormann, Chen, Chang, Besler, Mueller-Roemer,
    Boubekeur, Stork, Fellner
    Eurographics 2024 State-of-the-Art Reports

    Volcanic Skies: coupling explosive eruptions with atmospheric
    simulation to create consistent skyscapes
    Pretorius, Gain, Lastic, Cordonnier, Chen, Rohmer, Cani
    Eurographics 2024

    Fast GPU-Based Two-Way Continuous Collision Handling
    Wang, Chen, Li, Liu, Wang, Zhou
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (presented at SIGGRAPH 2023)
    Paper | Video

    Somigliana Coordinates: An Elasticity-derived Approach for
    Cage Deformation
    Chen, de Goes, Desbrun
    SIGGRAPH 2023 (conference track)
                                        Paper | Code | Video | Slides | Poster

    Robust Pointset Denoising of Piecewise-Smooth Surfaces
    through Line Processes
    Wei, Chen, Rohmer, Memari, Desbrun
    Eurographics 2023
                                        Paper | Slides | Code

    3D Mesh Cutting for High Quality Atlas Packing
    Wang, Chen, Gao, Bao, Huang
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2022

    Go Green: General Regularized Green’s Functions for Elasticity
    Chen, Desbrun
    SIGGRAPH 2022 (conference track)
    Paper | Code | Slides | Mathematica

    Multiscale Cholesky Preconditioning for Ill-conditioned Problems
    Chen, Schaefer, Huang, Desbrun
    SIGGRAPH 2021
    Paper | Code | Slides | Note

    Cosserat Rod with rh-Adaptive Discretization
    Wen, Chen, Umetani, Bao, Huang
    Pacific Graphics 2020
    Paper | Slides | Video

    Material-adapted Refinable Basis Functions for Elasticity
    Chen, Budninskiy, Owhadi, Bao, Huang, Desbrun
                                        Paper | Code | Slides | Video

    Numerical Coarsening using Discontinuous Shape Functions
    Chen, Bao, Wang, Desbrun, Huang
    SIGGRAPH 2018
    Paper | Slides | Video

    Cloth Compression using Local Cylindrical Coordinates
    Chen, Zheng, Song, Sun, Bao, Huang
    CGI 2017
    Paper | Slides | Video

Research visits

CSE, Mar 2016-May 2016

CMS, Nov 2018-Mar 2019